"Remember always to walk in the pollen path of peace and of blessing. Be still within yourselves, and know that the trail is beautiful. Whenever you are in danger walk carefully and quietly. Your feet will be blessed with pollen and your hands will be blessed with pollen. Let your mind and voices go forward on the pollen path." (Link:1998)
"When asked if he could tell about the Pollen Path and what it meant, Natani Tso commented: It's the pollen from all kinds of beautiful plants. The wind blows the pollen along the trail and you travel on it. It is everywhere, not only on the Reservation. Your body is holy when you travel on that trail. If you take no heed of these things then it affects your life, you get sick and everything is of no use. The Pollen Path leads to the restoration of harmony and beauty. It is blessed above it and all around it, blessed is my voice to describe it. More than that I don't know."
"He insisted that the trail was "there" and that you could find it anytime you wanted it: "You can see it and travel on it and that's all you need to know." (Sandner:1991)