Magic Garden's mission is to offer Nature's purest gift - HONEY - in all its perfection, vitality and sweetness. Our company is committed to responsible beekeeping, honey bee health and pollinator habitat restoration.
* From the age of twelve Terry and his friends, Joe and John, roamed the California hills looking for bees. They did their first "cut out" in the walls of an abandoned farmhouse, bringing the bees and honey home on their bicycles. Fascinated by the beauty and complexity of the hive, Terry was hooked. Now, almost fifty years later, Terry sustains his boyhood passion by producing pure, artisan honey, mentoring beekeepers, breeding queens and providing bees for California's annual almond pollination.
* Sue is an avid beekeeper, nature lover and devoted gardener. Her passions are the life and health of the hive, honey production and pollinator plants. Having lived many years with the Navajo, Sue has found that beekeeping beautifully mirrors their Pollen Path of peace and blessing.
* Terry & Sue are active in their local and state bee associations, serving in various capacities. Terry is past president of the Delta Bee Club in Modesto and a past member on the Executive Board of the California State Beekeepers Association. Sue & Terry are especially happy when working amongst their bees, enjoying the beauty of the natural world. For them, "The Magic Garden is every garden and a joyful state of mind."